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What's Happening at the Flagship?

Keep up with all the current news, events, and information that is happening at Franklin High. Contact  Terri Coffman to include information in the daily “Admiral's Log” email. For our daily announcement show Franklin in Five contact Keri Thompson.

News, Events, & Information

Order Your Yearbook. The school year is half way through, and time is running out to secure a copy of the 2025 yearbook. The yearbook staff is required to tell the publisher how many books to print by the end of January, so don't drop the ball on ordering your copy. Please order a yearbook today and use order number 421. Don't miss out on the best 2025 keepsake of the year!

Rising 9th Grade Parent Night. Parents of rising freshman can visit Franklin High on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 6:00 PM to learn about registration for next year. There will be teachers representing all programs from every academic department, including CCTE and Fine Arts, as well as athletic coaches and clubs. This is the night to ask questions and gather information for the 2025 - 2026 school year.

Student Registration for 2025 - 2026. 9th grade registration will take place from January 22 – February 14, 2025. 11th grade registration is from January 21 – 31, 2025. 10th grade students will register from February 3 – 13, 2025. All registration will be done during study halls.

Online Attendance Forms. Try the Franklin High School Attendance Forms to dismiss a student early, inform that a student will be late, or send a parent note for an absence. Please remember a student with more than five (5) absences per semester, must supply a doctor’s note to be excused. Please refer to the Student Handbook-WCS High Schools for details. 

Athletic Event Tickets. Purchase tickets and season passes for all home games from 

Featured in InFocus

A young boy with blond hair completes a STEM challenge

In this video from the Franklin High TV/Film program, students in the Early Childhood (EC) program host a fun Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) day for the young children.