Check out the links below. As you continue down the list, you will see links to SORA, and academic databases/eBooks that will help you find quality sources and citation information for your research.
Students may access the FHS Library Catalog from the Classlink Dashboard.
To request book purchases to be included in the FHS library or a SORA book request, please contact librarians Lisa Graham or Tiffany Tucker for the links to the request forms.
- Tennessee Electronic Library – This site is excellent for research. It provides free access to over 400,000 electronic resources including magazines, scholarly journals, podcasts, videos, e-books, test preparation materials, federal census records, and Tennessee primary source materials. The FHS librarians can help students optimize use of this site.
- JSTOR – JSTOR provides free access to over 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in over 75 different disciplines.
- Gale Databases – Access vetted and current information from this site's wide variety of subject area databases.
- Salem Press Online – Students may access the Salem Press database to find information on literature, history, science, health, and careers.
- Follett Destiny – This portal allows access to the FHS online library management system. Students will find research resources and may check out materials from the FHS collection.
- SORA – An easy way for students to read ebooks and audiobooks. SORA may also be found on the Classlink dashboard.
- Classroom Libraries – List of books within individual Franklin High classrooms.
- Digital Resource Library – Access to district and site-based purchased applications. Teachers and staff may be using additional applications that are instructionally appropriate for their individual classroom use.
- Library/Media Center Circulation Restriction Request – This form may be used by parents/legal guardians to apply restrictions on specific titles for their child's library circulation account.
- Mackin eBooks - Easy access to eBooks, read-alongs, audiobooks, databases, videos and more.
- Purdue Online Writing Lab – The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional materials. Students will find information to assist with many different writing projects.
- Tennessee State Library and Archives– The Tennessee State Library and Archives is a great resource for students and is the official repository for the permanent records of the State of Tennessee. Newspaper records, historical photographs, letters, diaries, maps, political cartoons, broadsides, census records, Governors’ papers, and more that tell the story of Tennesseans and their role in the greater story of American history.
- Williamson County Public Library – The Williamson County Public Library System seeks to meet the recreational, educational, and information needs of county patrons through: a significant collection of digital and print materials housed at a network of county wide locations head-quartered in Franklin; extensive personal computer and related technology; and diverse and interesting programs targeted to various age groups.